Beste Kreditkarten, wenn Ihr FICO-Score zwischen 600 und 649 liegt
Wenn Ihre Kreditwürdigkeit zwischen 600 und 649 liegt, gibt es gute und schlechte Nachrichten. Lassen Sie uns das herausfinden. Leider wird Ihre Punktzahl als mäßig bis schlecht angesehen, was bedeutet, dass Sie möglicherweise nicht für viele erstklassige Kreditkarten zugelassen werden, die für diejenigen mit höheren Punktzahlen reserviert sind.
Aber schauen wir mal auf die positive Seite:Es stehen dir noch einige Karten zur Verfügung, von denen einige ziemlich lukrativ sind. Wir haben eine Liste der besten Kreditkarten zusammengestellt, die Personen in Ihrem Kreditwürdigkeitsbereich zur Verfügung stehen. Der verantwortungsbewusste Umgang mit diesen Karten kann Ihnen dabei helfen, Cashback und Prämien zu verdienen, Gebühren für Auslandstransaktionen zu vermeiden und Ihre Kreditwürdigkeit schrittweise aufzubauen, sodass Sie sich in naher Zukunft für die Karten der oberen Ebene qualifizieren.
Die besten Kreditkarten bei einem FICO-Score von 600 bis 649 im Überblick
Kreditkarte | Am besten für |
Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards-Kreditkarte | Tägliche Cashback-Prämien für faires Guthaben |
Petal® 1 "No Annual Fee" Visa® Kreditkarte | Gebührenfreier Kreditaufbau |
Capital One Platinum-Kreditkarte | Guthaben wieder aufbauen |
Capital One Platinum Secured Credit Card | Das untere Ende der fairen Kreditwürdigkeit |
OpenSky®-gesicherte Visa®-Kreditkarte | Diejenigen mit wenig bis gar keinem Kredit |
Indigo® Mastercard® Kreditkarte | Personen, die vor kurzem bankrott waren |
Milestone Mastercard® | Alle Kreditarten – schlechte Kredite und sogar keine Kredite |
Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards-Kreditkarte

In aller Kürze
Wenn Sie nicht über die hervorragende Bonität verfügen, die erforderlich ist, um einige der Boni zu erhalten, die andere Kreditkarten von Capital One bieten, sollten Sie die Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards-Kreditkarte in Betracht ziehen. Es ist eine großartige Karte für durchschnittliche Kredite und Sie können immer noch 1,5 % Cashback auf alle Einkäufe mit einer bescheidenen Jahresgebühr von 39 $ verdienen.
Bewertung lesen Anforderungen an die Kreditwürdigkeit:Die Anforderungen an die Kreditwürdigkeit basieren auf der eigenen Untersuchung der Zustimmungsraten von Money Under 30; Wenn Sie die Mindestpunktzahl erreichen, haben Sie die besten Chancen, für die Kreditkarte Ihrer Wahl zugelassen zu werden. Wenn Sie Ihre Kreditwürdigkeit nicht kennen, nutzen Sie unser kostenloses Tool zum Schätzen der Kreditwürdigkeit, um eine bessere Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, für welche Karten Sie sich qualifizieren. *Money Under 30 verwendet einen FICO 8-Score, der eine von vielen verschiedenen Arten von Kredit-Scores ist. * Ein Gläubiger kann bei der Entscheidung, ob er Ihnen einen Kredit gewährt, einen anderen Score verwenden. Schlecht 500-599 Ausreichend 600-699 Gut 700-749 Ausgezeichnet 750-850Was uns gefällt:
1,5 % Cashback auf alle Einkäufe.
In nur sechs Monaten automatisch für eine höhere Kreditlinie berücksichtigt werden.
Keine Auslandstransaktionsgebühren und eine bescheidene Jahresgebühr von 39 $.
- Verdienen Sie jeden Tag unbegrenzt 1,5 % Cashback bei jedem Einkauf
- Keine rotierenden Kategorien oder Limits, wie viel Sie verdienen können, und Cashback verfällt nicht für die Lebensdauer des Kontos. So einfach ist das
- Sie werden in nur 6 Monaten automatisch für einen höheren Kreditrahmen berücksichtigt
- Genießen Sie die Gewissheit mit $0 Fraud Liability, damit Sie nicht für nicht autorisierte Belastungen verantwortlich sind
- Stärken Sie Ihre Kreditwürdigkeit für die Zukunft durch verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit der Karte
- Verdienen Sie unbegrenzt 5 % Cashback auf Hotels und Mietwagen, die über Capital One Travel gebucht wurden, wo Sie die besten Preise von Capital One für Tausende von Reiseoptionen erhalten. Es gelten die Nutzungsbedingungen
- Überwachen Sie Ihre Kreditwürdigkeit mit CreditWise von Capital One. Es ist für alle kostenlos
- Bezahlen Sie schnell und sicher mit einer kontaktlosen Karte, ohne ein Terminal zu berühren oder Ihre Karte an einer Kasse abzugeben. Halten Sie einfach Ihre Karte über ein kontaktloses Lesegerät, warten Sie auf die Bestätigung und schon sind Sie fertig
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Petal® 1 Visa®-Kreditkarte "ohne Jahresgebühr"

In aller Kürze
Die Petal® 1 „No Annual Fee“ Visa® Credit Card ist eine großartige Karte ohne Jahresgebühr mit einem soliden Prämiensystem für Menschen mit begrenztem oder keinem Kredit. Es meldet sich bei allen drei großen Kreditkartenbüros und Sie können ein höheres Kreditlimit zwischen 300 und 5.000 US-Dollar erzielen – stellen Sie nur sicher, dass Sie Ihre Karte verantwortungsbewusst verwenden. Die Petal® 1 „No Annual Fee“ Visa® Kreditkarte wird von WebBank, Mitglied der FDIC, ausgestellt.
Bewertung lesen Anforderungen an die Kreditwürdigkeit:Die Anforderungen an die Kreditwürdigkeit basieren auf der eigenen Untersuchung der Zustimmungsraten von Money Under 30; Wenn Sie die Mindestpunktzahl erreichen, haben Sie die besten Chancen, für die Kreditkarte Ihrer Wahl zugelassen zu werden. Wenn Sie Ihre Kreditwürdigkeit nicht kennen, nutzen Sie unser kostenloses Tool zum Schätzen der Kreditwürdigkeit, um eine bessere Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, für welche Karten Sie sich qualifizieren. *Money Under 30 verwendet einen FICO 8-Score, der eine von vielen verschiedenen Arten von Kredit-Scores ist. * Ein Gläubiger kann bei der Entscheidung, ob er Ihnen einen Kredit gewährt, einen anderen Score verwenden. Schlecht 500-599 Ausreichend 600-699 Gut 700-749 Ausgezeichnet 750-850Was uns gefällt:
Keine Kredithistorie erforderlich, daher perfekt für Anfänger.
Keine Jahresgebühr und auch keine Gebühren für Überschreitungen oder Auslandstransaktionen.
2 % – 10 % Cashback bei ausgewählten Händlern.
- 0 $ Jahresgebühr
- Variable APRs reichen von 22,24 % bis 31,74 %
- Kreditlimits von 300 $ bis 5.000 $
- Verdienen Sie eine Erhöhung des Kreditlimits in nur 6 Monaten. Es gelten die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen.
- Keine Kreditwürdigkeit? Kein Problem. Falls berechtigt, erstellen wir stattdessen Ihren Cash Score.
- 2 % - 10 % Cashback bei ausgewählten Händlern
- Sehen Sie innerhalb von Minuten, ob Sie vorab genehmigt wurden, ohne Ihre Kreditwürdigkeit zu beeinträchtigen.
- Keine jährlichen oder ausländischen Transaktionsgebühren.
- Bauen Sie zusammen mit Hunderttausenden von Petal-Kartenmitgliedern Guthaben auf.
- Die mobile App von Petal macht es einfach, Ihr Geld zu verwalten, Ihre Ausgaben zu verfolgen und Zahlungen zu automatisieren.
- Petal berichtet an alle 3 großen Kreditauskunfteien
- Keine Einzahlungen erforderlich
- Karte ausgestellt von WebBank, Mitglied FDIC
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Capital One Platinum-Kreditkarte

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Es kann schwierig sein, eine ungesicherte Kreditkarte mit durchschnittlicher Bonität zu finden, aber die Capital One Platinum-Kreditkarte freut sich über Ihr Geschäft. Der Besitz dieser Kreditkarte wird nicht viele Vorteile haben, aber sie ist eine großartige erste Karte für junge Leute, die eine starke Kredithistorie aufbauen möchten, und es gibt keine Jahresgebühr.
Bewertung lesen Anforderungen an die Kreditwürdigkeit:Die Anforderungen an die Kreditwürdigkeit basieren auf der eigenen Untersuchung der Zustimmungsraten von Money Under 30; Wenn Sie die Mindestpunktzahl erreichen, haben Sie die besten Chancen, für die Kreditkarte Ihrer Wahl zugelassen zu werden. Wenn Sie Ihre Kreditwürdigkeit nicht kennen, nutzen Sie unser kostenloses Tool zum Schätzen der Kreditwürdigkeit, um eine bessere Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, für welche Karten Sie sich qualifizieren. *Money Under 30 verwendet einen FICO 8-Score, der eine von vielen verschiedenen Arten von Kredit-Scores ist. * Ein Gläubiger kann bei der Entscheidung, ob er Ihnen einen Kredit gewährt, einen anderen Score verwenden. Schlecht 500-599 Ausreichend 600-699 Gut 700-749 Ausgezeichnet 750-850Was uns gefällt:
Für die Genehmigung ist nur eine durchschnittliche/angemessene/begrenzte Kreditwürdigkeit erforderlich
In nur 6 Monaten automatisch für einen höheren Kreditrahmen in Betracht gezogen werden
Keine Jahresgebühr oder Auslandseinsatzentgelt
- Keine jährlichen oder versteckten Gebühren. Finden Sie in Sekundenschnelle heraus, ob Sie genehmigt wurden
- Sie werden in nur 6 Monaten automatisch für einen höheren Kreditrahmen berücksichtigt
- Helfen Sie beim Aufbau Ihres Guthabens durch den verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit einer Karte wie dieser
- Genießen Sie die Gewissheit mit $0 Fraud Liability, damit Sie nicht für nicht autorisierte Belastungen verantwortlich sind
- Überwachen Sie Ihre Kreditwürdigkeit mit CreditWise von Capital One. Es ist für alle kostenlos
- Erhalten Sie 24 Stunden am Tag, 7 Tage die Woche Zugriff auf Ihr Konto mit Online-Banking von Ihrem Desktop oder Smartphone aus mit der mobilen App von Capital One
- Bezahlen Sie schnell und sicher mit einer kontaktlosen Karte, ohne ein Terminal zu berühren oder Ihre Karte an einer Kasse abzugeben. Halten Sie einfach Ihre Karte über ein kontaktloses Lesegerät, warten Sie auf die Bestätigung und schon sind Sie fertig
- Zahlen Sie per Scheck, online oder in einer Filiale vor Ort, alles ohne Gebühr – und wählen Sie das monatliche Fälligkeitsdatum, das für Sie am besten geeignet ist
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Capital One Platinum gesicherte Kreditkarte

In aller Kürze
Wenn Sie befürchten, dass Sie für eine herkömmliche Kreditkarte nicht zugelassen werden oder in der Vergangenheit abgelehnt wurden, ist die Capital One Platinum Secured eine hervorragende Option. Es ist selten, einen zu finden, der keine Jahresgebühr erhebt, und Capital One überprüft Ihr Kreditlimit automatisch in nur sechs Monaten.
Bewertung lesen Anforderungen an die Kreditwürdigkeit:Die Anforderungen an die Kreditwürdigkeit basieren auf der eigenen Untersuchung der Zustimmungsraten von Money Under 30; Wenn Sie die Mindestpunktzahl erreichen, haben Sie die besten Chancen, für die Kreditkarte Ihrer Wahl zugelassen zu werden. Wenn Sie Ihre Kreditwürdigkeit nicht kennen, nutzen Sie unser kostenloses Tool zum Schätzen der Kreditwürdigkeit, um eine bessere Vorstellung davon zu bekommen, für welche Karten Sie sich qualifizieren. *Money Under 30 verwendet einen FICO 8-Score, der eine von vielen verschiedenen Arten von Kredit-Scores ist. * Ein Gläubiger kann bei der Entscheidung, ob er Ihnen einen Kredit gewährt, einen anderen Score verwenden. Poor 500-599 Fair 600-699 Good 700-749 Excellent 750-850What We Like:
Put down a refundable security deposit starting at $49 to get a $200 initial credit line.
Be automatically considered for a higher credit line in as little as six months with no additional deposit needed.
No annual fee and no foreign transaction fees.
- No annual or hidden fees. See if you're approved in seconds
- Building your credit? Using the Capital One Platinum Secured card responsibly could help
- Put down a refundable security deposit starting at $49 to get a $200 initial credit line
- You could earn back your security deposit as a statement credit when you use your card responsibly, like making payments on time
- Be automatically considered for a higher credit line in as little as 6 months with no additional deposit needed
- Enjoy peace of mind with $0 Fraud Liability so that you won't be responsible for unauthorized charges
- Monitor your credit score with CreditWise from Capital One. It's free for everyone
- Get access to your account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with online banking to access your account from your desktop or smartphone, with Capital One's mobile app
Apply Now>>
OpenSky® Secured Visa® Credit Card

In A Nutshell
The OpenSky® Secured Visa® Credit Card is a secured credit card that doesn’t require a credit check to apply. Whether you have poor credit or no credit at all, OpenSky is an opportunity to improve your credit history.
Read review Credit Score Requirements:Credit Score requirements are based on Money Under 30’s own research of approval rates; meeting the minimum score will give you the best chance to be approved for the credit card of your choice. If you don’t know your credit score, use our free credit score estimator tool to get a better idea of which cards you’ll qualify for. *Money Under 30 uses a FICO 8 score, which is one of many different types of credit scores. *A creditor may use a different score when deciding whether to approve you for credit. Poor 500-599 Fair 600-699 Good 700-749 Excellent 750-850What We Like:
No credit check needed to get approved for this card.
Choose your own security deposit between $200 – $3,000 and that becomes your credit line.
Your on-time payments will be reported to all three credit bureaus, so you can start building credit responsibly.
The annual fee is just $35, and OpenSky® does not charge any application, servicing, or processing fees.
- No credit check to apply and find out instantly if you are approved
- OpenSky gives everyone an opportunity to improve their credit with an 85% average approval rate for the past 5 years
- Get considered for a credit line increase after 6 months, with no additional deposit required
- You could be eligible for the OpenSky Gold Unsecured Card after as few as 6 months
- Reports to all 3 major credit bureaus monthly, unlike a prepaid or debit card
- View your FICO® Score through your OpenSky account, an easy way to stay on top of your credit
- Nearly half of OpenSky cardholders who make on-time payments improve their FICO score 30+ points in the first 3 months
- Your refundable* deposit, as low as $200, becomes your OpenSky Visa credit limit
- Easy application, apply in less than 5 minutes right from your mobile device
- Offer flexible payment due dates which allow you to choose any available due date that fits your payment schedule
- *View the cardholder agreement
Apply Now>>
Indigo® Mastercard® Credit Card

In A Nutshell
The Indigo® Mastercard® Credit Card offers consumers with poor credit the opportunity to use a credit card for everyday spending. Pre-qualification is quick and easy and if you have the credit profile needed, you might be able to secure a credit card with no annual fee. ($0 – $99 annual fee).
Read review Credit Score Requirements:Credit Score requirements are based on Money Under 30’s own research of approval rates; meeting the minimum score will give you the best chance to be approved for the credit card of your choice. If you don’t know your credit score, use our free credit score estimator tool to get a better idea of which cards you’ll qualify for. *Money Under 30 uses a FICO 8 score, which is one of many different types of credit scores. *A creditor may use a different score when deciding whether to approve you for credit. Poor 500-599 Fair 600-699 Good 700-749 Excellent 750-850What We Like:
$0 – $99 annual fee
Easy pre-qualification process
Previous bankruptcy is OK
- Easy pre-qualification process with fast response
- Less than perfect credit is okay
- Online servicing available 24/7 at no additional cost
- Unsecured credit card, no security deposit required
- Account history is reported to the three major credit bureaus in the U.S.
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Milestone Mastercard®

In A Nutshell
If you have lousy credit and are looking for a way to build it back; the Milestone Mastercard® is a strong option. There’s a quick pre-qualification process with no impact to your credit score, modest interest rate and an annual fee of $35 – $99.
Read review Credit Score Requirements:Credit Score requirements are based on Money Under 30’s own research of approval rates; meeting the minimum score will give you the best chance to be approved for the credit card of your choice. If you don’t know your credit score, use our free credit score estimator tool to get a better idea of which cards you’ll qualify for. *Money Under 30 uses a FICO 8 score, which is one of many different types of credit scores. *A creditor may use a different score when deciding whether to approve you for credit. Poor 500-599 Fair 600-699 Good 700-749 Excellent 750-850What We Like:
$35 – $99 annual fee
Easy pre-qualification process
Previous bankruptcy is OK
- Instant pre-qualification is available for those who qualify
- Less than perfect credit is okay
- Access your account online or from your mobile device 24/7
- Account history is reported to the three major credit bureaus in the U.S.
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In-depth analysis of our top credit cards for people with credit scores between 600 and 649
Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card – Best for everyday cashback rewards for fair credit

Card features:
- Annual fee:$39.
- APR:26.99% (Variable).
- Rewards?:1.5% cash back on all purchases.
Why the Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card is a good option for those with fair credit
The Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card is an unsecured credit card, complete with cash rewards. You will earn 1.5% cash back on all purchases, every day — there are no rotating spending categories.
Your credit line can be increased after just six on-time monthly payments. The card also comes with $0 fraud liability, and an annual fee of just $39.
How to use the Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card
If improving your credit score wasn’t enough, you’ll be eligible for a higher credit limit after making your first six monthly payments on time. That will help increase your credit score in two ways:
- On-time payments will give you a good credit reference.
- The increased credit limit can improve your credit utilization ratio.
Why you might not want to consider the Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card
The increasing credit line might tempt you to also increase your expenditures and debt levels. If you want to improve your credit score, getting deeper into debt is the last thing you need.
Take this card only if you are able to pay off the balance each month.
See card details/apply or read our full Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card review.
Petal® 1 “No Annual Fee” Visa® Credit Card – Best for fee-free credit rebuilding

Card features:
- Annual fee:$0.
- APR:22.24% - 31.74% Variable.
- Rewards:2% to 10% cash back on purchases at select merchants.
Why the Petal® 1 “No Annual Fee” Visa® Credit Card is a good option for those with fair credit
The Petal® 1 “No Annual Fee” Visa® Credit Card accepts applicants with limited or no credit, and they consider your banking and savings history in addition to your score, so they can get a well-rounded picture of your finances. If approved, Petal reports on-time payments to all three credit bureaus, making this card a great way to get started building your credit score.
With the Petal® 1 “No Annual Fee” Visa® Credit Card, you get some of the perks you’d find in a card that requires a higher score. Not only is there no annual fee, but you also will enjoy cash back rewards between 2% and 10% at select merchants.
How to use the Petal® 1 “No Annual Fee” Visa® Credit Card
All you’ll have to do to start improving your credit is pay your bill on time each month. Once you’ve qualified for the Petal® 1 “No Annual Fee” Visa® Credit Card, you’ll be given access to an app that will help you track down the current cash back offers available to you. Make purchases at those merchants and you’ll earn cash back, which will be given as a statement credit.
Petal’s app can also help you manage your monthly payments and track your spending, so it’s a handy tool to have at your disposal.
Why you might not want to consider the Petal® 1 “No Annual Fee” Visa® Credit Card
The 22.24% - 31.74% Variable APR is low for a credit card designed for those with fair credit. But the rate is variable, and there can be a big difference between the higher and lower end of that spectrum.
You may also want to look into a Petal® 2 "Cash Back, No Fees" Visa® Credit Card after you’ve built credit, since the Petal® 2 “Cash Back, No Fees” Visa® Credit Card pays 1% to 1.5% cash back on all purchases in addition to 2% to 10% at select merchants.
See card details/apply.
Capital One Platinum Credit Card – Best for rebuilding credit

Card features:
- Annual fee:$0.
- APR:26.99% (Variable).
- Rewards?:1% cash back on eligible purchases.
Why the Capital One Platinum Credit Card is a good option for those with fair credit
The Capital One Platinum Credit Card is a true credit card for people with fair or limited credit and it’s unsecured as well. Cardholders will be automatically considered for a higher credit line in as little as six months. There is no annual fee.
Capital One Platinum Credit Card also offers 1% cash back on eligible purchases, $0 fraud liability, and auto rental collision damage waiver benefits.
How to use the Capital One Platinum Credit Card
Like all credit cards for fair credit, your primary objective is to improve your credit score by making your payments on time.
You’ll also want to avoid running up your balance and hurting your credit utilization ratio. The potential credit line increases in as little as six months after credit limit review which will help with that ratio – as long as you don’t use the extra credit.
Why you might not want to consider the Capital One Platinum Credit Card
The cash back rewards in combination with potential credit line increases may cause you to borrow more than you can afford to repay. Be careful with this combination.
See card details/apply or read our full Capital One Platinum Credit Card review.
Capital One Platinum Secured Credit Card – Best for the lower end of fair credit

Card features:
- Annual fee:$0.
- APR:26.99% (Variable).
- Credit line:$200.
- Rewards?:N/A.
Why the Capital One Platinum Secured Credit Card is a good option for those with fair credit
As a secured card, the Capital One Platinum Secured Credit Card is especially good for lower credit scores. It also offers security deposit requirements that may be lower than your credit limit. For example, based on your credit worthiness, your deposit may be $49, $99, or $200 on a credit line of $200.
There is no annual fee. Your credit limit may be increased after credit line review in as little as six months, with no increase in the security deposit requirement.
How to use the Capital One Platinum Secured Credit Card
Make your security deposit, be automatically considered for a higher credit line in as little as six months, and your credit limit will increase. Capital One reports to all three major credit repositories. On-time payments will improve your payment history, while the increased credit limit will improve your credit utilization ratio.
Why you might not want to consider the Capital One Platinum Secured Credit Card
If your credit is at the lower end of fair, and you need to rebuild it, this is an excellent card to work with. But if it’s possible, you may be better off with an unsecured credit card, which will allow you to avoid the deposit.
See card details/apply or read our full Capital One Platinum Secured Credit Card review.
OpenSky® Secured Visa® Credit Card – Best for no credit check

Card features:
- Annual fee:$35.
- Regular APR:18.89% (Variable).
- Intro APR:N/A.
Why the OpenSky® Secured Visa® Credit Card is a good option for those with fair credit
The OpenSky® Secured Visa® Credit Card is a good credit card option for those with fair credit because they don’t check your credit report, so your credit score isn’t a factor in your application. You’ll also receive an instant decision on your application.
As a secured credit card, your security deposit is your credit line. You can choose your own credit line, with a deposit as low as $200 if that suits you, or as high as $3,000. Plus, the annual fee is just $35, which is less than some other credit card brands.
How to use the OpenSky® Secured Visa® Credit Card
To get started, you’ll need to set your credit limit by placing your security deposit with OpenSky. You’ll make purchases with your card, and your on-time minimum payments will help your credit score improve.
Consider using the OpenSky® Secured Visa® Credit Card to pay your everyday bills, such as your cell phone bill.
With on-time payments, you could be eligible for a credit line increase after six months.
Why you might not want to use the OpenSky® Secured Visa® Credit Card
If you have a hard time paying your balance off in full every month, the OpenSky® Secured Visa® Credit Card might not be right for you. Carrying a balance will bring interest charges, and those extra costs could affect your budget.
Plus, if you don’t pay your minimum payments on time, you won’t be helping your credit score, and isn’t that the point?
See details/apply.
Indigo® Mastercard® Credit Card- Best credit card for people who have a recent bankruptcy

Card features:
- Annual fee:$0 - $99.
- APR:24.9%.
- Credit line:$300.
- Rewards?:N/A.
Why the Indigo® Mastercard® is a good option for those with fair credit
It’s possible to have a bankruptcy in your past, and have a credit score between 600 and 649. That can happen if you had good credit for the past couple of years, but a bankruptcy just before that. If so, Indigo® Mastercard® Credit Card is an excellent choice.
You’ll start with a $300 credit line, and the annual fee can be as high as $99. But it’s an unsecured line, so you won’t need to provide a security deposit.
How to use the Indigo® Mastercard® Credit Card
Make your minimum payments on time each month, and you’ll begin to develop a good credit reference with each of the three major credit bureaus.
Even better, pay off your balance in full each month to avoid accruing interest charges.
Why you might not want to consider the Indigo® Mastercard® Credit Card
This is another credit card with a steep annual fee. Depending on your credit, it can be zero, $59, or $75 the first year, and $99 thereafter.
See details/apply or read our full Indigo® Mastercard® Credit Card Review.
Milestone Mastercard® – Best credit card for all credit types

Card features:
- Annual fee:$35 to $99.
- APR:24.9%.
- Credit line:$300 or more.
- Rewards?:N/A.
Why the Milestone Mastercard® is a good option for those with fair credit
The Milestone Mastercard® is an unsecured credit card, with a minimum $300 credit line, and no security deposit required. It’s an excellent card if your credit score is in the low 600s, and you need to rebuild.
They report to all three credit bureaus, so your good payment history can move you up to the next credit score bracket — and the better offers that come with it.
How to use the Milestone Mastercard®
As is the case with all credit cards for people with fair credit, it’s critical to make your monthly payments on time. You should also make every effort to pay your balance in full each month.
Why you might not want to consider the Milestone Mastercard®
The annual fee is high for a potentially low credit limit. Depending on your credit profile, the annual fee will be either $35, $59, or $75 in the first year, and $99 thereafter. That’ll take a serious chunk out of a $300 credit limit.
See card details/apply or read our full Milestone Mastercard® review.
Summary of the best credit cards if your FICO score is between 600 to 649 (Fair Credit)
In the table below, we summarized the main information for each of the credit cards we presented as the best cards if your FICO Score is between 600 and 649:
Card/Category | Initial credit limit | Annual fee | APR range | Secured/Unsecured? | Features | Reports to all 3 major credit bureaus |
Capital One QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card | Not specified | $39 | 26.99% (Variable) | Unsecured | Cash back, $0 fraud liability | Yes |
Petal® 1 "No Annual Fee" Visa® Credit Card | $500-$5,000 | $0 | 22.24% - 31.74% Variable | Unsecured | Cash back, reports to all three credit bureaus | Yes |
Capital One Platinum Credit Card | Not specified | $0 | 26.99% (Variable) | Unsecured | $0 fraud liability | Yes |
Capital One Platinum Secured Credit Card | $200 | $0 | 26.99% (Variable) | Secured, requires a deposit of $49, $99, or $200 | N/A | Yes |
OpenSky® Secured Visa® Credit Card | $200 - $3,000 | $35 | 18.89% (Variable) | Secured | No credit check or bank account required to open an account | Yes |
Indigo® Mastercard® Credit Card | $300 | $0 - $99 | 24.9% | Unsecured | N/A | Yes |
Milestone Mastercard® | $300 or more | $35 to $99 | 24.9% | Unsecured | N/A | Yes |
How we came up with this list
We started by isolating the cards known to be available to those in the 600 to 649 credit score range. From there, we pared the list down based on the following criteria:
- Does the card issuer report to all three major credit bureaus — TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax — giving you an opportunity to raise your credit score with all three?
- Are we featuring a mix of secured and unsecured credit cards? Secured cards may be necessary for those at the lower end of the fair credit score range, but not everyone is comfortable making a security deposit, and some at the upper end of this credit score range may qualify for an unsecured card.
- Credit limits should be high enough to be usable, but not so high as to put you deep in debt.
- Annual fees should be nonexistent or at least low (maximum under $100).
- Does the card offer the ability to increase your credit line after a period of responsible card use and consistently repaid balances?
- Does the card offer any extra features typically associated with cards for higher credit scores, like rewards or cash back?
What is fair credit?
Fair credit is a general term used to describe a span of credit scores from 580 to 669. That’s a very broad range, but it’s based on figures reported by major credit bureaus.
But that’s just the starting point. What’s considered a ‘fair’ credit score can vary by industry and sometimes even by lender.
For example, mortgage lenders generally will not make a loan to someone whose credit score is below 620. For all intents and purposes then, a credit score of 605 is considered poor for mortgage applicants.
A bank or credit union that makes auto loans may set the minimum credit score at 650, below which they won’t extend credit. From their standpoint, a credit score below 650 is considered poor.
This is why you don’t want to spend too much time in the fair credit score range. The best way to get out is by taking new, small credit lines, then making your payments on time every month. It will enable your good payment history to gradually overcome your bad payment history.
How to maximize a credit card for fair credit
The best way to use a credit card for fair credit is to make a small amount of monthly purchases and repay your charges in full each month.
The interest rates (APRs) on these cards may be higher than on credit cards designed for consumers with good credit, so you’ll want to avoid using them to pay off purchases over time.
As your credit improves, you’ll be better qualified to apply for a card with a lower interest rate or more lucrative rewards in the future.
The most important features of credit cards if your FICO score is between 600 and 649
If your FICO Score is between 600 and 649, shopping for a credit card is different than it would be if your score was, say, over 700. You’ll be less concerned with factors like cash rewards, travel benefits, and 0% introductory APRs. Your needs will be more basic, and will focus on a combination of the cost and usability of the card.
The main purpose of getting a credit card in this credit score range is to use it as a tool to improve or rebuild your credit score. Only then will you be eligible for the more generous credit card offers.
Here are the factors that are most important:
Annual Percentage Rate – APR
You may have noticed that many credit cards come with wide interest rate spreads, like 14.99% to 24.99%. With a credit score between 600 and 649, you’re much more likely to be offered an interest rate on the higher end of a given range.
This is a primary reason why we recommend throughout this guide that you keep your credit card balance to an absolute minimum. It’s possible to use a credit card to increase your credit score and to do so at a very low cost. But if you carry a balance, the interest cost will be substantial.
Annual fee
The annual fee should be carefully assessed with any credit card you apply for, even if you have perfect credit. But it matters even more when you’re in the fair credit range. That’s because benefits offered by credit cards for fair credit are relatively minimal, so their combined value is unlikely to compensate or make up for a high annual fee.
That doesn’t mean cards with annual fees should be ignored completely. If you’re unable to get a credit card with no annual fee, a card with a relatively low annual fee is the next best option. It can still help you to either rebuild or improve your credit score, and if you use the card responsibly your score should eventually improve enough that you can cancel the card and switch to an unsecured card with no annual fee, or a card offering a benefits package that substantially outweighs its annual fee cost.
Additional card benefits
The fair credit range is where you start getting more generous credit card features. This could include $0 fraud liability for unauthorized charges, collision damage waiver on rental cars, free credit scores, and other perks.
On our list, we included several credit cards that provide cash back rewards.
All of these benefits are better to have than not. But they should never be the primary reason for getting a credit card when you have fair credit. In fact, certain benefits can even be detriments when misused. For example, cash back rewards could encourage you to spend more money than you can comfortably afford to repay.
Secured vs. unsecured
In the fair credit range there are more unsecured credit cards available than in the below 599 score range. But if you’re on the low end of the range, like a credit score in the low 600s, unsecured cards may not be available to you. In that case, secured cards will be a necessary option.
Let’s look at the benefits and drawbacks of both card types.
Secured cards
Secured credit cards usually tie your credit limit to the amount of security you put up for the card. A $300 credit limit will typically require a $300 deposit. There are some cases where the deposit will be less than the credit limit, like the Capital One Platinum Secured Credit Card. If your credit qualifies, the security deposit will be as low as $49 for a $200 credit limit.
In many ways, secured credit cards work just like unsecured credit cards. You can use them to make purchases, and you must make monthly minimum payments against your card balance as required by the card issuer. Your card payments (or lack thereof) will be reported to the major credit bureaus, and will either improve or reduce your credit score. You’ll also be charged interest by the card issuer on any unpaid balances.
The major disadvantage to a secured card is that your credit limit is tied to the amount of security you can put up. If you have no cash at all, you’ll be unable to qualify.
But there are several advantages to having a secured card:
- You’ll have a credit card available in situations where they may be required over cash or some other payment method.
- They will enable you to improve your credit score.
- Because they’re secured, they may come with either a very low annual fee or no annual fee at all.
- Most will automatically increase your credit limit after a few months of favorable payment history.
- Many secured card issuers will convert your account to unsecured once you develop a favorable payment history.
Unsecured cards
Unsecured cards are the typical format for credit cards. Unsecured cards for people with fair credit are typified by very low credit limits — often just a few hundred dollars.
The main advantage they have over secured cards is that you don’t have to put up a security deposit. They’re perfect for the person who needs to improve their credit score, but doesn’t have any cash to pledge for collateral.
The table below summarizes the difference between secured and unsecured credit cards:
Secured cards | Unsecured cards | |
Make purchases on credit | Yes | Yes |
Report to all 3 credit bureaus | Yes | Yes |
Annual fee | Usually very low (≤$35) | Can be as high as $500+ |
Interest rate | Usually 18%-30% | Usually 15%-25% |
Automatic credit line increases | Yes | On some only |
Convert to unsecured | Generally, yes | N/A |
Tips to improve your credit
This is especially important when you’re in the fair credit range, for at least two reasons:
- If you’re at the bottom of the fair credit range, you’ll want to move toward the top, and;
- Your goal should be to move above the fair credit range.
Here are tips to help you do just that.
Get your free credit score and monitor it from now on
This will enable you to keep a finger on the pulse of your credit. Some free credit score services even provide simulators that will show you how you can improve your credit score, and by how much. You should take full advantage of these services.
Dispute any errors
If there is any information contained in your credit report that’s not accurate, you have an opportunity to fix it. Contact the creditor, report the error, and provide written documentation proving it’s wrong.
Get written notification from the creditor acknowledging the error. Also request the creditor report corrected information to all three credit bureaus. If they don’t, you’ll have to send the notification from the creditor acknowledging the error to all three credit bureaus yourself.
Allow at least 30 days after the successful dispute before applying for a credit product and pulling your credit score again.
Pay ALL your bills on-time from now on
A late payment here, a collection there, may seem fairly harmless at the time — especially if you’re in a cash crunch. But those are the stuff of fair and poor credit, and you need to avoid them at all costs.
One advantage you have with bad credit is that it becomes less important as time goes on. The sooner you begin paying your bills on time, the older the derogatory information will become, and the higher your credit score will be. So start paying all your bills on time all the time, now.
Don’t forget landlords and utility companies either. They will report to the credit bureaus if you have unpaid balances.
Pay off any past due balances
If you have any charge-offs or collections, pay them off as soon as possible. The same is true for judgments and tax liens. Paying them off won’t remove them from your credit report. But a paid delinquency is always better than an open one. Your credit score should begin to rise soon after these delinquencies are paid.
Go slow applying for new credit
We’ve already touched on this factor, but it’s worth reminding you that lenders don’t like seeing applicants applying for multiple lines credit. It could be an indication you’re having budget problems, and looking to solve them by obtaining additional credit. You should apply for no more than one or two new lines of credit per year.
Use an app to boost your score
Experian offers a service called Experian Boost that can improve your score by about a dozen or so points. You’ll sign up and connect your bank account to get credit for on-time payments for expenses like your phone and electric bills.
You can learn more about this free app by reading our complete Experian Boost review.
Payment alternatives for people with credit scores between 600 and 649
Using a credit card, whether secured or unsecured, is a great way to improve your credit score. But there are other means of payment available to you as well.
Debit card
As a sheer transaction method, debit cards function in a very similar way to credit cards — they can be used to make purchases in a store, online, etc. The main difference is that when you make a purchase with a debit card the money for the purchase is taken out of your checking account; you aren’t borrowing money from the card issuer, so you don’t accrue a balance and don’t need to make monthly repayments.
This inherent difference has both positive and negative effects. Here are two examples:
A debit card doesn’t help you build credit
Since there are no monthly repayments, there’s no payment history to be reported to the credit bureaus. Debit cards may enable you to spend like credit cards, but they’ll do absolutely nothing to improve your credit score.
A debit card CAN help you manage your finances
Debit cards might even be better than credit cards in this regard. Since you can’t spend any more money than you have in the checking account behind the card, you’re forced to stay within budget. And since there are no monthly payments, there are no interest charges. That helps to improve cash flow.
Successful use of a debit card can also help to prepare you for responsible use of a credit card. If managing your spending has been a problem in the past, a debit card can help by forcing/training you to live within your financial limits.
Prepaid cards
Prepaid cards have grown more popular in recent years, not only for people who are unable to be approved for credit cards, but also as a secure way of making online purchases. It may be worth having a prepaid card even if you already have a debit card and a credit card.
How do prepaid cards work?
Credit cards work on credit limits, while debit cards are connected to a bank account. Prepaid cards are just what the name implies — you have to pay a certain amount of money on the card in advance in order to use it.
When it comes to spending, prepaid cards work just like debit cards and credit cards. You can even “recharge” them by adding more money to them.
They work well for online purchases, because you don’t risk providing account information to an unknown online vendor. That eliminates the possibility of identity theft.
The limits of prepaid cards
If you’re looking to rebuild your credit or improve your credit score, prepaid cards will be of no value to you. Much like debit cards, since there’s no monthly payment, there’s no payment history to report to the credit bureaus.
The other problem is fees. You might have to pay a fee to purchase the card, and then each time you recharge it. They can be expensive to use if you have to pay $5 every time you put $100 on the card.
Store charge cards
Many people who have difficulty getting traditional credit cards opt instead for store cards. But can they help if you’re looking to improve your credit score?
How store cards work
Store cards are issued by individual merchants. You may have a credit card issued by Sears, JCPenney, Macy’s, or other retailers, but they’re not credit cards in the usual sense. They can only be used to charge purchases through that merchant. You will not be able to use the card to make other purchases, like groceries and gas.
Are store cards a good idea?
Because they’re credit cards, your payment history with store cards is reported to credit bureaus. If you make your payments on time, and keep your balance low, having one or two can help improve your credit score.
But they do have a few negatives:
- As noted earlier, they can only be used with the issuing merchant.
- They usually charge very high interest rates.
- Store cards are established to encourage you to spend money with the merchant. If you have bad credit, going deeper into debt is the last thing you need to do.
Also, be aware that store credit card facilities are back office operations. Their sole purpose for existing is to provide credit for customers to purchase the merchant’s products and services. As a result, store card operations may be somewhat chaotic, raising the possibility of misapplied payments and negative credit ratings. They are not the best cards to rebuild or improve your credit.
The advantages and disadvantages of debit, prepaid, and store cards
Debit cards | Prepaid cards | Store cards | |
Require credit approval? | Limited | No | Yes |
Report to credit bureaus? | No | No | Yes |
Will improve your credit score? | No | No | Possibly |
Purchases subject to interest charges? | No | No | Yes |
FAQs on Best Credit Cards if Your FICO Score is Between 600 and 649
? ? Is it worth it to do a balance transfer with a credit card for fair credit? Generally speaking, no. First, many credit cards in this credit score range don’t offer balance transfers. Second, the credit limit may be too low to make a balance transfer worth doing. And third, your primary mission should be to pay off other debts, to lower your total amount owed. Balance transfers are usually about moving a loan from one credit line to another. ? ? How important are rewards if your credit score is between 600 and 649? All things being equal, you should prefer a card that offers cash back rewards. It will lower the cost of having the card, maybe even offsetting a very high annual fee. But rewards should never be the primary reason for selecting a card. You might be better off selecting a card with no cash back rewards, and no annual fee. The main purpose of a credit card with a fair credit rating is to rebuild your credit. Everything else is just a bonus. ? ? If I get one of these credit cards, then get a better offer from another one, should I cancel this card? Absolutely not. Once again, we get back to credit utilization. Every credit line you cancel increases your credit utilization ratio by default. The better strategy is to keep the fair credit card, but not use it. ? ? How long will it take to raise my credit score to get better credit card offers? That really depends on what your credit score is, and the factors causing it to be low. If high credit utilization is causing the problem, your credit score will improve as soon as you get your debts paid down. But if you have a history of delinquencies, it can take a year or more. Delinquencies get better with age, but they don’t disappear – at least not for seven years. ? ? How long after being approved for one of these cards can I apply for another credit card? In the fair credit range, you never want to look as if you’re looking for credit wherever you can find it. It’s best to wait at least six months, and preferably a year, before adding new credit cards. Too much new credit will hurt your credit score, and limit credit card offers.Compare more recommended credit cards
- See our recommended credit cards (all credit levels)
Is your credit score not between 600 and 649? Find more top credit cards for your credit score (FICO score) range:
- Best credit cards for a credit score above 750
- Best credit cards for a credit score between 700–749
- Best credit cards for a credit score between 650–699
- Best credit cards for a credit score under 599
Note:According to our research, these credit cards offer the best chance of approval for applicants with credit scores of 600–649. This does not mean guaranteed approval, however, as creditors consider factors other than a FICO score.
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